Private Sessions at eZential Wellness
We offer weekly private sessions by appointment such as Reiki Therapy, Crystal Reiki Healing, Reflexology, Sound-Vibration Massage, Yoga Therapy, and Mindfulness Meditation.
In addition, we host monthly events that are also appointment based, such as Intuitive Tarot Readings, Intuitive Animal Communication, Aura Photos, Chakra Analysis, and more.
Please scroll down through our appointment offerings below to book your session.

Reiki Therapy
A gentle and non-touch method of treatment to re-balance the flow of energy within the body, and throughout the Chakra system, for optimal physical, emotional, and mental well-being. The practitioner delivers “Ki”, or Universal Life Energy, by hovering the hands over the body to promote relaxation and pain relief. Clients often experience deep peace, reduced anxiety, and less pain after a session. See appointment days and times below.
Monday, 10:30am-12:30pm
Tuesday, 4pm-6pm
Thursday, 10:30am-12:30pm
Friday, 9am-11am
Saturday, 8am-12:30pm
45-minute session, $75 or (3) 45-minute sessions, $200 (save $25)
*If you are currently being treated for cancer, or in remission, we offer complimentary 30-minute sessions throughout the week. Please email Lori directly at or call (908) 526-0002 to discuss your health issues and book a session.
Crystal Reiki Healing
These sessions are deeply relaxing, rejuvenating, and minimal contact therapy, where crystals are placed on the body. The goal of a session may include realignment of energetic frequencies and/or removal of any emotional or energetic blocks. Sessions are customized to your individual needs. See appointment days and times below.
Fridays (12pm, 1:15pm, & 2:30pm)
2nd & 4th Saturday (8am, 9:15am, & 10:30am)
Sundays (9am, 10:15am, & 11:30am)
60-minute session, $90 or (3) 60-minute sessions, $255

Quantum Transformational Healing
Transform your energy-body and sense of well-being, with a Quantum Transformational Healing session! Diane is a certified Gestalt therapist, Mind/Body therapist, Reiki practitioner, and Hypnosis practitioner. In addition, she has studied many different healing modalities which she has incorporated into her client practice for over 30+ years.
Sessions are customized to your needs, as Diane will assist, support, and empower you by listening to your questions, concerns, and personal healing goals, in a safe and comfortable environment. She will incorporate a powerful combination of Mind/Body techniques, Gestalt Therapy, Spiritual counseling, Channeling, Reiki, Therapeutic Touch, Hypnosis/Quantum Healing, Chakra balancing, and Multi-Dimensional Healing.
Tuesdays & Thursdays (11am-3pm)
Saturdays (10am-12pm)
60-minute session, $95 or 90-minute session, $145

Channeled Past Life Readings
During a 30-minute channeled reading, Ginny Colarusso will access the Akashic Records and use oracle decks to reveal past lives affecting your present life. The reading also includes chakra information and any messages from your spirit guides.
Saturday, March 1st
10:00am, 10:45am, 11:30am, 12:15pm, 1:00pm, 1:45pm, 2:30pm
30-minute Reading, $60

Intuitive Tarot Readings or Animal Communication
During an intuitive tarot reading, Tara Lewin will connect with your Spirit Guides, and tarot/oracle cards, to deliver messages of guidance and clarity. Her approach is sincere, as she reads from the heart to uncover gems of insight.
During an intuitive animal/pet communication session, Tara will connect with you and your pet (alive or over the rainbow bridge), to provide answers for current pet behaviors, or to help ease grief from a pet who has moved on.
Monthly on Saturday. Next Dates: March 8th
10:00am, 10:30am, 11:00am, 11:30am
30-minute Tarot Reading, $50
30-minute Animal Communication, $65
Reflexology and/or Marconics
We offer 30-minute Reflexology sessions or 40-min Marconics sessions every first Saturday morning of the month.
We also offer a combined 90-minute session of Reflexology with Marconics every first Saturday afternoon of the month.
Reflexology is an ancient Eastern healing method which is acupressure applied to the feet to promote homeostasis, relieve stress, and improve circulation.
Marconics is an Ascension modality; and not a traditional healing modality. Using “No Touch” it raises the client’s vibrational frequency by running Marconic Energy (encoded with Light information) through selected points on the body. It’s goal is to have you connect with the Higher Dimensions of Self and the 5D.
Offered monthly on Saturday. Next Dates: Mar 1, Apr 5
Reflexology (30-minute session) $45
Marconics (40-minute session) $75
9:00am, 10:00am, 11:00am
Reflexology + Marconics (90-minute session) $111
1:00pm & 3:00pm

Sound Vibration Massage
An ancient Vedic therapy based on the effects of sound on the body. Metal singing bowls are placed on the front or back of the body, while resting fully clothed. The gentle tones and vibrations induce a feeling of relaxation and well-being. You can choose either Vibrational Bowl Placement in which the bowls are resting stationary on the front of your body, or Vibrational Bowl Massage in which the bowls are moved along the back of your body.
Mondays (8am-3pm)
Fridays (10:30am-3pm)
60-minute session, $90 or (3) 60-minute sessions, $255

Aura Photos & Chakra Analysis
Choose from an Aura Photo with 4-line description of your colors that can explains your energetic/vibrational field; or a Aura Photo plus a full Chakra Analysis that uses a bio-sensor to detect your Chakra’s energetic levels, and includes a 14-page report. This report will show you your Aura colors, Chakra levels, emotion-meter, mind/body/spirit graph, relaxation level, Aura power, Yin-Yang color wheel, and your vibrational energy levels!
Sessions are offered monthly on Saturdays from 10am-1pm.
Upcoming Dates: Saturday, Dec 14th
Aura Photo Only, $25
Chakra Analysis + Aura Photo, $50
Yoga Therapy
Yoga Therapy Sessions are offered by Helga Nashed, an IAYT-certified Yoga Therapist.
These individual sessions are a safe way of working with the natural capacity of your body and mind to optimize well-being through the application of yogic tools including but not limiting to postures/movements, breath-work and meditation techniques. Yoga Therapy clients essentially heal themselves by learning tools that can be used throughout a lifetime. The yogic model of health is unique because it addresses every aspect of life rather than considering each body part or system separately.
First session + Intake form (75-min), $120
Follow-up sessions (60-min), $90 (Set of 3 sessions, $255 or Set of 5 sessions, $410)
For more information and/or to make an appointment please send an email to, or go to her website Thera.Yoga .

Mindfulness Meditation
Mindfulness Instruction (Adults, or 13+) includes learning the fundamental skills to develop your personal mindfulness practice: focusing your mind, connecting with your body, balancing emotions, embracing self-compassion, and more. We’re here to help you navigate the ups and downs, we all face in life, using mindfulness as both your compass and your anchor.

Personal Mindfulness-Mediation Coaching provides the structure, guidance, encouragement, and additional support you may need to sustain your personal mindfulness practice, when you’re feeling overwhelmed, anxious, struggling with transitions, decisions, and/or work-life balance. Mindfulness allows us to see things more clearly, from a different perspective, and helps us discover creative solutions. Many try practicing mindfulness on their own, yet wrestle with commitment and quickly become discouraged; personal mindfulness coaching can help you stay on track and better navigate challenging life experiences.
30-minute session, $50 or (3) 30-minute sessions, $135 (save $15)
60-minute session, $90 or (3) 60-minute sessions, $255 (save $15)
If interested in learning more about mindfulness meditation, please contact Maria Usewick at, or visit her website.

Private Mediumship Session
Experience connection with loved ones who have passed during a one-on-one reading with medium Brian Peister. Receive messages of love, hope, support, and guidance from the other side. Brian is a self-taught intuitive medium and healer. His spiritual gifts have grown exponentially since the passing of his own son who he is able to communicate with on the other side. Brian feels his purpose in life is to help others connect and heal from the passing of those they love.
Sessions are offered every other Friday from 4pm-6pm. A virtual option is also available.
30-minute reading, $50
60-minute reading, $90