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The Ancient Japanese Healing Technique

Reiki is an ancient Japanese healing technique for stress reduction and relaxation. “Rei” meaning “spiritually guided” and ‘Ki” meaning “universal life force energy”, it relies on the flow of this guided energy to pass through the hands of a certified practitioner to the recipient. Reiki is effectively transmitted across any distance and can be sent around the world. Used in over 800 hospitals across the U.S., Reiki treatment creates physical, emotional, and spiritual balance within.

During treatment, one feels a deep sense of peace, warmth, security, and well-being. Many have reported miraculous recovery from pain, anxiety, stress, insomnia, addictions, and dis-ease. It works well as an integrative therapy along with other medical techniques and alternative healing treatments. Reiki is natural and safe without any side effects. While receiving Reiki, one is fully clothed, and simply relaxes while lying down or seated. Sessions can be 30 to 60 minutes in length, allowing additional time for questions and discussion before or after.

We offer private Reiki sessions at eZential Wellness which you can book here on our Private Sessions page.

We also host Reiki certification and training courses with Beth Wishbow RMT, Reiki Master Teacher & Therapist.  You can find out more about our classes below.

Reiki Training & Certification Classes

These in-person Reiki Classes are the contemporary evolution of Reiki, combining the traditional Japanese methods with refined and powerful techniques of Usui/Holy Fire® III Reiki.  Carefully developed and tested by the International Center for Reiki Training.  Advanced, very effective and state-of-the-art!

Classes include energy attunements, in-depth instruction, Reiki symbols (Level 2 and up), the complete system of hand positions, the human energy system relating to physical anatomy, Reiki for animals, hands-on practice and more.  Learn to provide Reiki healing to yourself and others both in-person and across any distance.

Certificate is awarded through the International Center for Reiki Training’s Reiki Membership Association for each class level: Reiki 1 Shoden, Reiki 2 Okuden, Reiki 3 Shinpiden Master, and Reiki 4 Karuna Master.  This certification is widely recognized and qualifies you to work in the many professional and clinical settings where Reiki is offered.

Your Instructor: Beth Wishbow

® Holy Fire and Karuna Reiki are registered service marks of William Lee Rand.

Visit Beth’s website,
Insight Holistic Health
Beth Wishbow

Upcoming Reiki Offerings

REIKI PACKAGE In-Person Training

Reiki 1 Shoden + Reiki 2 Okuden
Sunday, October 13 & Sunday, November 10, 2024
11:00am – 7:00pm Eastern Time (with breaks)

This Reiki 1 & Reiki 2 Package provides for a $50 savings by pre-registering, and pre-paying for both classes at once. The total fee for this package is $400. Students will participate for in-person training a total of 2 times to complete the course. Both in-person trainings are from 11:00 am-7:00 pm EST (with breaks). Discount applies to the dates in this Package, not transferable to other class dates.

Both classes takes place in-person at the eZential Wellness studio in Branchburg, NJ. You will be transferred to Beth’s website for registration and more information about the classes.

Upcoming Reiki 1 & 2 Trainings: October 13 & November 10 (2024)
1-day in-person class both months (Sunday)

Reiki 1 In-Person Training - Shoden

Sunday, October 13, 2024
1-day in-person class
11:00am – 7:00pm Eastern Time (with breaks)

In this class, you learn to give effective Reiki treatments to yourself and others following high quality standards of the International Center for Reiki Training, one of the largest Reiki associations in the world. Topics include the history of Reiki, what it is and how it heals, how to use it, the complete system of hand positions (both touch and no-touch), the human energy system relating to physical anatomy and Reiki for animals.

This class takes place in-person at the eZential Wellness studio in Branchburg, NJ. You will be transferred to Beth’s website for registration and more information about the class.

Upcoming Reiki 1 Trainings: October 13 (2024)
1-day in-person class (Sunday)

Reiki 2 In-Person Training - Okuden

Sunday, November 10, 2024
1-day in-person class
11:00am – 7:00pm Eastern Time (with breaks)

Expand upon your Reiki 1 training and increase your healing abilities in this second half of the Reiki 1 & 2 course. Receive the Usui/Holy Fire® III in-person Reiki 2 Placement, an advanced energy attunement that activates your ability to channel Reiki using the three powerful Reiki 2 symbols. This takes your skills to a whole new level!

This class takes place in-person at the eZential Wellness studio in Branchburg, NJ. You will be transferred to Beth’s website for registration and more information about the class.

Upcoming Reiki 2 Trainings: November 10 (2024)
1-day in-person class (Sunday)

Reiki 3 Master In-Person Training – Shinpiden

Saturday & Sunday, September 21 & 22, 2024
2-day in-person class
11:00am – 7:00pm Eastern Time each day (with breaks)

In this Usui/Holy Fire® III Reiki Master class receive training in advanced energy healing. Learn the Usui and Holy Fire® master symbols. Experience five master energy attunements. Create a Reiki Crystal Grid to send healing energy continuously through crystals. Release limiting blocks in all areas of life for yourself & others. Learn to teach Reiki in person & online.

This class takes place in-person at the eZential Wellness studio in Branchburg, NJ. You will be transferred to Beth’s website for registration and more information about the class.

Prerequisite: prior Reiki 1 & 2 training in any Reiki lineage.

Upcoming Reiki 3 Trainings: September 21 & 22 (2024)
2-day in-person class (Sat & Sun)

Reiki 4 Master In-Person Training - Karuna

Saturday & Sunday, December 7 & 8, 2024
2-day in-person class
11:00am – 7:00pm Eastern Time each day (with breaks)

This is the most advanced Reiki Master course. Take your mastery to the next level with eight new master symbols, the Holy Fire® symbol, four ignition attunements, and more.  Karuna Reiki Master Training empowers you to heal a wider range of conditions more quickly.  Receive the ability to teach and attune others at all levels of Reiki both in-person and online.

This class takes place in-person at the eZential Wellness studio in Branchburg, NJ. You will be transferred to Beth’s website for registration and more information about the class.

Prerequisite: prior Reiki Master training in any Reiki lineage.

Upcoming Reiki 4 Trainings: December 7 & 8 (2024)
2-day in-person class (Sat & Sun)