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Mindfulness & Meditation


The Benefits of Mindful Meditation

Mindfulness is a type of meditation, that allows you to focus on the moment, and be intensely aware of what you are sensing and feeling, without attachment or judgement. It allows you to feel present, without being overwhelmed with what is going on around you. Mindfulness can involve breathing methods, guided imagery, and other practices to relax the body and help calm the mind. With practice, mindfulness can provide you with the ability to regulate emotions, relieve stress, and reduce anxiety or depression.

About Our Instructor

Mindful Meditation classes are provided by Maria Usewick, CMI, RYT, OTR Certified Mindfulness Instructor, Yoga Teacher, & Occupational Therapist. She received her Mindfulness certification and the majority of her training, through the Mindful Schools Year Long Certification Program, as well as other continuing education courses and retreats; including a Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) course for professionals and a training intensive on the Learning to Breathe (L2B) Mindfulness Program for Adolescents. You can learn more about Maria at her website Anchored Minds & Bodies. If you would like to schedule a private mindfulness session with Maria, please visit our Appointments page for booking.

Mindful Meditation Classes

Mindful Meditation
Mondays 7:30-8:00 pm (Virtual)
$10 per class, or $36 for 4-classes

During this 30-minute class, you will be guided in a mindful meditation, and through this experience you will discover many more ways to bring mindfulness into your daily life. Improve your mindset and overall well-being by committing to a live, weekly, community practice.

Purchase a drop in class, or 4-classes with the buttons below. Or, click on the Mindfulness Meditation class shown in the schedule below to book and purchase.

Private Mindfulness Sessions

We also offer Private Sessions for individual  Mindfulness training,  with our mindfulness instructor Maria Usewick.  You can visit our Appointments page to book a private session, by scrolling down to that page to the section titled “Mindfulness Meditation”.

Private Mindfulness training sessions are offered on Mondays from 4pm-6pm.

Upcoming Mindfulness Classes

Upcoming Mindfulness Classes